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Aimee’s ongoing inspiration as an artist comes from her natural surroundings; exploring many places that create a sense of escape and cut out the white noise of everyday life. The context of Aimee’s work represents specific elements of wildlife within the local Welsh landscapes, which are then re-experienced through the act of drawing. The corvids are an ongoing subject; deeply beautiful and mischievous with an intriguing presence. Their energies have informed the expressive mark making within Aimee’s entire art practice to the extent that whatever the subject may be, there is always a 'crow like' feeling. 


"I use a variety of drawing and printmaking techniques which have been developed from my Masters degree at the School of Creative Arts, Wrexham. I initially work with charcoal and later move to printing techniques such as etching, drypoint, collagraph, linocut and silkscreen.  I can get really immersed through the act of drawing, so much that I lose sense of time and self being. This experience provoked a new area of interest during my Master's degree in 2017 where I chose to research further and discover the flow experience" - Aimee Jones 2024


'Flow is a word that many of us are familiar with and it is used in our everyday language to describe when things are going well; for example, the flow of a running stream or a piece of music. A psychologist called Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes the 'flow experience' as a mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in an activity, characterized by a feeling of energized focus.'  - (New world encyclopaedia 2017.)



© Aimee Jones 2024

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